First and foremost ... I am an aunt (again)! As of this morning I now have an adorable baby nephew. (Actually, I haven't seen him yet, but I'm told on good authority he's adorable.)
This is the first boy on the Acorn side of the family, joining my three lovely nieces. And because he is the son of my baby brother and his wife, he can carry on the Acorn family name. This was a cause of some concern, cuz there ain't that many of us out here. So ... hurrah, huzzah and hallelujah!
Second, I just received confirmation that I won the Robert's Snow snowflake I'd bid on in the first round of auctions!
Here is "Give a Little Push," created by children's book illustrator, writer and poet extraordinaire Elizabeth Dulemba.

I love this flake's humor and the fact that it tells a little story ... a picture-book snowflake of sorts! You can read the profile of Elizabeth and her snowflake at sruble's world, and you can check out her process for creating it on Elizabeth's Web site.
Of course, the real winner yesterday was the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, which according to my calculations earned more than $9,000 toward cancer research during the first auction. If you missed the auction or were outbid for a favorite snowflake, don't despair! There are two more rounds to go. Visit the Robert's Snow Web site for details.
(BTW, I have been tagged by Kimberly Lynn to reveal five random things about myself. I'd said I'd post on that today, but with all the excitement ... it'll need to wait until tomorrow.)
Thanks so much for your kind words, but even more so for helping to raise money for such a worthwhile cause. I hope "Give a Little Push" brings your family much joy. (Including your new nephew - congratulations!) I blogged about your win as well.
Best wishes to you and yours, and have a wonderful holiday.
Elizabeth O. Dulemba
Congratulations!! New life, wahoo! There's nothing like a new baby to remind me of the wonders, miracles, and blessings of this life.
I think creating stories does that for me too. Just the thing to bring a smile to my face and hope to my heart.
Hi, e! Can't wait to receive it and hang it on our tree!
Thanks, J! Babies definitely rock!
Happy Acorn Day! Congrats to the aunt!
Thank you, Danette! Love the cap!
Congratulations on both joys! You are one lucky Acorn!
Wow, I saw this on the Blue Boards (I think) and I didn't even register that it was you! Doi!
Congratulations x2!
Thanks, Sara and Lauren!
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